Ancient Byzantine Iconography – June 2025

A seven-day course in Ancient Byzantine Iconography

10th – 16th June 2025

The practice of writing icons is primarily a spiritual one, reflecting the theological world-view of the Christian faith. Each element of the process is imbued with symbolism, inviting the icon-writer into a deeper contemplation of the Christian faith and making a prayer of his work.

Over the 7 days of this iconography course, students will write their own icon using the ancient art of liquid egg tempera technique.

The teaching of the technical process will be accompanied by prayer and by a theological discourse. The practical demonstrations will be framed by explanations of the symbolic meaning of the iconic forms, and of the materials and the processes involved. Morning and Evening Prayer in common will give further spiritual structure to the day.

Set in beautiful surroundings and with a light-filled and spacious venue, this week-long immersion into an ancient form of prayer is a unique opportunity to refresh and recreate your soul in prayer and a warm community environment.


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