Greetings from Aidan, Martin and Jim for this Advent. The coming incarnation of God in the flesh is a theme precious to iconographers.
It can be difficult to give thanks in all circumstances as the Scriptures encourage us, but it is only in this way that we can see God in the cave of apparent darkness. He might seem to be inactive, like one wrapped immobile in swaddling clothes. But He is getting ready to shatter the gates of Hades. Good will arise out of Covid-19!
Over the past three months I have been occupied primarily with panel icons. You can see some below. Each saint is a unique logos or word, spoken by the Logos Himself. One task of the iconographer is to discover the logos of the saint whom he or she paints, to know him or her personally and strive to reflect this uniqueness in their icon.
The postponed trip to St Catherine’s, Mount Sinai is back on, for 1st – 8th October, 2021.
For details see
Bookings are now also open for icon workshops May and September next year.
For details see |
I must confess that my commission orders are now very low, I presume due to Covid. I am therefore offering as a Christmas special to paint small icons for only £350 plus postage (and VAT if you live in the EU).
They would be of the face of the saint, 15cm high (6 inches), on a flat panel and ungilded.
You could for example have the face of Christ (like the Mandilion illustrated below), the Virgin, an angel, a patron saint, or some other favourite.
Email to commission one –
BBC Radio 4 will be broadcasting each Sunday 2.45-3.00 pm a repeat of the five-part series ‘Creation of an Icon’, beginning 15th November. The series follows the process of me painting an icon of the Annunciation.
St Francis Church, Baddesley Clinton
Martin has completed his wall paintings for St Francis Church at Baddesley Clinton.
The work is a masterpiece.
See more images at
Dr Jim Blackstone
My apprentice, Dr Jim Blackstone, is also going from strength to strength.
You can see recent splendid works on where you will also find some icons for sale.