As a member of the BAI you will receive a quarterly Review. Our Review is published for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and is usually at least 40 pages in length. It has interesting articles and useful information for both established iconographers and for those just starting out. UK members will have a printed copy of the Review posted to them, while overseas members can opt to either have the printed Review posted or an e-mailed version.
If you would like to join the BAI, please send an e-mail to the Membership Secretary at To contact the Review editor, please e-mail:
As a guide for a prospective member of our Association, below is a brief summary of the contents for the current issue – Issue 61 (Autumn 2020):
Editor’s Message (see below on this page)

Review front cover for Autumn 2020
Rublev’s Trinity
Icon – Rublev’s Trinity
BAI Patrons, Officers and Information
Our Lady of Sorrows (Paul Hill)
Reflection of Imagery (Fr. Robin Gibbons)
Examples of Sacred Geometry
News from Aidan Hart
Meditation: Rublev’s Trinity (Sr Esther)
Feast Days in November
Update from Hong Kong (Lucia)
How do we pray with our eyes (Ian Knowles)
New Book (on the history and meaning of festal icons) by Aidan Hart
Another example of Geometry in Iconography
On-line icon video courses
Bethlehem Icon School courses
Turvey Abbey – courses and workshops
List of suppliers of iconography materials,
Useful websites,
How to send articles for the Review
Membership of the BAI
Prayer of the Icon Painter
Editor’s Message (Autumn 2020)
Dear Friends
I hope you are keeping well, safe and positive.
The Autumn season reminds me of fruitfulness; the fruitfulness of Christ in us. He said ‘Remain in me, as I remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.’ John 15:4
The situation that we are living within, has urged me to pray more often for those who are ill or grieving. Also for our common home, the Earth, which is also ill. (see Laudato Si for more). Praying with an icon of the Pantocrator or The Trinity has deepened these times. I was fortunate to be able to join (via Zoom) Christian courses discussing the situation and praying for the Earth. One was titled `The Great Pause’ in which we thought about and prayed for understanding as to what God is saying to us through this experience.
This Review contains news and reflections from students and professionals in Iconography. We have icons of ‘Our Lady of Sorrows’ and Rublev’s Trinity, with a reflection from Sr Esther. We also look at Imagery and Praying with our Eyes.
Many of you have probably spent more time than usual writing icons. Perhaps some groups have been using Technology to meet. It would be lovely to hear about these sessions and to see some of the ‘fruits’. Please send articles and photos. Others will Is’ interested to see and hear about your work. Don’t be too humble !
With my prayers for you and your work that God may use it to bring His fruits into the world and to His children.
Ann (Braithwaite) Editor of BAI Review (Volunteer)
Do please send your ideas and questions; your writing, photos, news about BAI Groups and Members or about your own interests, information about courses, websites, churches, books, music to:
Page date: October 2020