These pages about past courses are included for general information only. Please use the contact information for current details of courses and workshops.
In addition to the icon painting workshops held at Turvey Abbey, there are a number of icon support groups that are held on a number of Mondays throughout the year.
These icon support groups are led by Sr. Esther. They provide an opportunity for anyone who is interested to come along and paint an icon of their choice, to learn from one another and have the added joy of undertaking this in a supportive group setting.
There is no need to book although it would be helpful, if you are new to iconography to contact Sr. Esther using the following e-mail link:

Sr. Esther at work on a new icon
The icon support groups aim to start at around 9.45am on a Monday. All are welcome to join the Abbey community for Midday Prayer and Vespers. The service of Vespers is held in the chapel at 5.45pm and is a nice conclusion for the day for those who can manage to stay.
Please bring a packed lunch – tea and coffee are provided. There is a small voluntary charge to cover overheads.
Dates for Icon Support Groups 2020
March 2nd, March 16th, April 20th, May 25th, June 15th, June 22nd, July 20th
July 27th, August 3rd, August 10th, August 17th, August 24th, September 14th,
October 12th, October 19th and November 2nd
Please be aware that workshops may be cancelled or dates may change owing to the current COVIV-19 pandemic.
Also see Iconography Courses at Turvey Abbey 2020
Page date: April 2020 (amended February 2022)