BAI Members’ Virtual Exhibition
On-line from 31st October 2021
‘Icons Emerging from Lockdown’
The BAI Exhibition of Members’ Icons for 2021 was a Virtual Exhibition on the Internet.
It went on-line on Sunday, October 31st 2021 and will remain on-line during 2022-2023
Webpages for the BAI exhibition (2021) may be found at:

Icon by Aidan Hart
The BAI is always proud to present an Exhibition of its members’ work. This is for all members. The BAI encourages and welcomes the work of artists, old and new to iconography, whilst acknowledging that the talent and expertise of the professional iconographers will always be discernible, the novice’s work is also valued.
For all other enquiries please e-mail:
BAI Exhibition of Members’ Icons Autumn 2023
An exhibition of members work will be taking place from Friday, September 29th to Sunday, October 21st 2023.
There will be an opening reception on the evening of Thursday, September 29th 2023
The Exhibition will beheld at Liverpool Parish Church (Our Lady & St Nicholas),
Old Churchyard, Chapel Street, Liverpool, L2 8TZ
The website for Liverpool Parish Church is :
Further information and an exhibition preview will be posted on the BAI website when available.

Liverpool Parish Church Liverpool, L2 8TZ
Page updated: March 28th 2023