July 2021
BAI Members’ Virtual Exhibition
31st October 2021 – 31st January 2022
‘Icons Emerging from Lockdown’
- The BAI Exhibition of Members’ Icons for 2021 will be a Virtual Exhibition displayed via this website.
- The Exhibition will be launched on October 31st 2021 by Aidan Hart who will give a (recorded) talk. Aidan’s talk may be viewed via the website.
- A Virtual Catalogue is also being compiled and will be available (via this website).
See the ‘Exhibition 2021’ page(s) f0r further information.
May 2021
Painting as Prayer, The Art of A. Sophrony Sakharov
February 2021
SUNDAY OF ORTHODOXY (February 21st 2021)
Because of the Pandemic it is not possible for us the meet at with the Melkite congregation in Pimlico as we have done for some years. However, Canon Father Robert Gibbons has kindly offered to use a “wonderful dispensation of “economy” from his Skete in Oxford, but not on Zoom.” What he intends to do is at 12.00 midday on Sunday for those who wish and would like to pause at Midday, is to place (as he writes) “their icons before them and recite the prayer below in bold type at 12.00 noon. I will do the rest and by the Holy Spirit’s grace the blessing will be upon us all at this very odd time….”
When the priest blesses he Icon he says the following prayer, and then sprinkles the icon three times with holy water while saying a different prayer:
Priest: Let us pray to the Lord
Response: Lord have mercy.
During Covid, perhaps you can join me in saying reverently this following prayer at the time appointed:
Priest: Master, our Almighty King, Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, you gave orders to your servant Moses to write a picture of the Cherub in the holy Tent, and from this, we took the custom of writing icons as a remembrance of those whom they represent. Therefore, we pray to You, O Lord our King, to send the grace of your Holy Spirit, together with your angel, on this holy icon so that every prayer which is offered to You through this icon may be accepted by the grace, mercy and compassion of your only begotten Son, our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, the Lover of humankind.
For all honour and worship are your due, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.
(Make the sign of the cross on yourself at this point).
Now a priest sprinkles the icon three times with holy water while saying this prayer:
Priest: May this Icon be blessed + in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen”
The Melkite services at this church have been on-line since January 2021.
Please visit the Melkite website:
Sr. Esther, Turvey Abbey – February 18th 2021
November 2020
The BAI is pleased to announce and welcome Aidan Hart as Honorary President.

Aidan Hart
Read more about Aidan and his work … www.bai.org.uk/aidan-hart/
John Clawson

John Clawson
Sister Esther says ….I am sure all the BAI members will join in expressing deep gratitude and thanks to John Clawson who has been primarily responsible, with great enthusiasm and hard work, in getting the BAI “off the ground.” For some while he not only edited the Review but organised day workshops and was a great inspiration for getting the Steering Group functioning and overlooking various aspect of the BAI, especially in initiating the exhibitions and overseeing all that this entailed and we wish him all happiness in his “retirement”, though he will act as advisor when needed!
March 2020
Sunday, March 1st 2020 – The First Sunday in Lent
Liturgy at 12 noon
St. Barnabas Church, Pimlico, London SW1W 8PF

St.Barbabas Church, Pimlico, London
The Orthodox Church and the Greek Byzantine Catholics keep the first Sunday in Lent, the triumph of Orthodoxy, which commemorates the fact that icons are venerated (not worshipped). To this end the Greek Catholic Parish in London invites all members of the “BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF ICONOGRAPHERS” to come and celebrate this event by bringing their icons painted last year (or before!) as the Liturgy concludes with a solemn procession round the Church with the icons and then followed by a special blessing of the icons and the “iconographers.” All members are invited and there will also be coffee and a light refreshment afterwards to give opportunity for members to meet one another as well as the parishioners.
The parish will provide light refreshments for members after the Liturgy.
We look forward to seeing you! You are welcome to bring friends, family and others whom you know would like to come and join us!
26th October 2019 12.30pm – 4.00pm
in the
… also a talk
(A talk and discussion on essential things Iconographers and those interested in icons need to know about – and often overlook – vital for all!)
AMANDA DE PULFORD is a graduate in Fine Art who subsequently trained over 7 years under the Russian iconographer and art historian Irina Gorbounova-Lomax. Amanda was awarded the professional qualification of THE BRUSSELS ACADEMY OF ICON PAINTING and has taught Icon painting for over ten years. She provides residential courses at the Abbey at Minister-in-Thanet. Amanda has undertaken numerous commissions, most recently for a permanent installation in Canterbury Cathedral. Amanda is a practising Christian who sees that the artist’s purpose is to make the mystery of Christ in His Church visible and imaginable. This event is free to all BAI members and please bring along friends or any whom you know would be interested.
We ask a contribution of £10.00 for all non-members.
The talk will be followed by the AGM and all are welcome to attend
AGM Agenda
- Welcome by chair
- Apologies,
- Minutes of the last meting
- Report from Treasurer
- A book by BAI members
- Development of website
- Support Groups
- BAI thoughts and ideas
- A.O.B.
- Date of next meeting
Exhibition of Icons in Prosopon School style.
Atlantis Books, Museum Street, WC1
Free entrance 10.30am – 6.30 pm
Mon – Sat 14th – 28th Sept.
All welcome.
The Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Prince Lazar known as Lazarica is honoured to be receiving the first ever official facsimile of Trojeručica.
It is the most important icon of the Serbian Orthodox Church residing in the monastery of Hilandar on Mount Athos, Greece. Trojeručica has been linked to miraculous events.
According to tradition, the original icon contains a silver replica of the hand of Saint John of Damascus. His hand was cut off after being falsely accused of treachery. After praying in front of an icon of the Virgin Mary, his hand miraculously restored. He attached a replica of his hand to give thanks and so the icon became known as Trojeručica (Three-handed).
An official, authentic facsimile has been produced and stamped by the monastery of Hilandar for Lazarica. The icon is dedicated to MaJa and commemorates all children who have lost their lives from war, disease, natural causes, miscarriages and abortion.
The icon is dedicated to all families who have experienced child bereavement. It is also for everyone to pray for the wellbeing and health of all children with us today. There will be an opportunity for everyone to commemorate the loss of any children by memorialising their names in a special service of prayer.
This occasion marks the first time an icon produced by the monastery of Hilandar comes to the UK. It will be displayed in Lazarica from the 23rd June 2019. There will be a presentation procession at 9.30 am. The icon will then start a grand tour of the UK, Ireland and Scandinavia before returning to Lazarica where it will permanently reside, available for all to see.
Monks from the Hilandar monastery travelled to Birmingham
The presentation will occur before our St Lazar’s Day service.
Fr. Nenad
Our address is
Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Prince Lazar
92 Griffins Brook Lane
B30 1QG
website: lazarica.co.uk
Art Exhibition – Crypt Hall, St. Marylebone
16th – 27th July 2019
Heavenly Light
Icons and Religious Works by Gabrielle Boyle
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm
Saturday 9.00am to 4.00pm
Sundays 12.00 noon to 4pm
In the Crypt Hall St Marylebone
Open workshop demonstrations
Keep the first Sunday in Lent, the triumph of Orthodoxy, which commemorates the fact that icons are venerated (not worshipped). To this end the Greek Catholic Parish in London invites all members of the “BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF ICONOGRAPHERS” to come and celebrate this event by bringing their icons painted last year (or before!) as the Liturgy concludes with a solemn procession around the Church with the icons and then followed by a special blessing of the icons and the “iconographers.”
All members are invited and there will also be coffee and a light refreshment afterwards to give an opportunity for members to meet one another as well as the parishioners. We look forward to seeing you on:
for the Liturgy at 12.00 noon.
website: www.stbarnabaspimlico.com