Some of the icons by Lady Grania Munro (d. July 2021)

Lady Grania Munro
From: Sr. Esther of Turvey Abbey: ‘Here are some images of icons done by Lady Grania Munro. She came to an iconography course here many years ago and continued her icons painting which meant a lot to her. Before retirement she and her husband (Lord Alan Munro) were involved in Commonwealth relationships in Beruit’.
From: Fr. Simon, St Nicholas Church, Chiswick: ‘It is with great sadness that I have to announce the death of Lady Grania Munro. Grania was a devoted member of our 8am congregation. She served and administered the chalice at our early service.
What you might not know was Grania’s love for creating icons. An icon is a window onto another world, they are created, yes, by paint, but principally through prayer. To create an icon is a deeply spiritual exercise, where the creator’s hand is literally guided by God. I will miss Grania’s depth of theological enquiry and prayerful nature, her unshakable faith and commitment to others’.
(July 29th 2021)

Angel Gabriel


Mother and Child

St Nicholas