The Exhibition will be open to the public 9am to 5pm Friday, September 29th to Sunday, October 1st
Text in italics is information for the organiser team.
Thursday, September 28th
9:30am delivery and assembly of display boards
11:00am to 5:00pm hang icons and set up for the evening
6:00pm to 8:00pm Opening Reception (official opening by The Right Worshipful, The Lord Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Mary Rasmussen
Friday, September 29th
9:00am Morning Prayer
10:05am Mass (Roman Catholic)
12:15pm Eucharist
Saturday, September 30th
3:30pm A talk by Aidan Hart
Sunday, October 1st
9:00am Morning Prayer
10:00am Parish Eucharist
BAI AGM (time to be confirmed)
6:00pm Choral Evensong
Exhibition closes