BAI Review (Winter 2022-23)

As a member of the BAI you will receive a quarterly Review.  Our Review is published for Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and is usually at least 40 pages in length. It has interesting articles and useful information for both established iconographers and for those just starting out.  UK members will have a printed copy of the Review posted to them, while overseas members can opt to either have the printed Review posted  or an e-mailed version.

If you would like to join the BAI, please send an e-mail to the Membership Secretary at  To contact the Review editor, please e-mail:





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N.B. Opinions expressed in articles are personal and are not necessarily those of the BAI.


Message from the Editor

Ann Braithwaite





Ann (Braithwaite)

Editor of BAI Review (Volunteer)






Do please send your ideas and questions; your writing, photos,  news about BAI Groups and Members or about your own interests,  information about courses, websites, churches, books, music…..


To contact the website please e-mail: